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Since 2003, Guided Hiking &Backpacking Adventures in Alaska's Best Wilderness Areas
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Trek Alaska Hiking and Backpacking Blog

Some articles to help you prepare for your alaska hiking and backpacking trip. Stories about backcountry cooking, physical conditioning, navigation and a variety of other topics. Let us know if there is a subject you would like to see discussed.

Fit for the Wild: Preparing for an Alaska Backpacking Adventure

Preparing for an Alaska backpacking adventure involves more than just packing the right gear; it requires conditioning your body for the physical demands of the wild. 

Finding the Perfect Alaska Hiking Trip for You

There are many factors to consider when evaluating Alaska hiking trip options: duration, mileage, terrain, special challenges or hazards, weather, group size and more.

The Alaskan Mile - It’s a Whole Different Deal

When it comes to backcountry, wilderness travel, there are normal trail miles and then there are Alaskan miles.

Guide Profile: Anna Nordin

Growing up on the shores of Lake Superior Gitchigumi, Anna has always had a love for playing outside. Anna has spent 5 summers working as a backcountry guide at a wilderness adventure camp and sharing outdoor experiences with youth including canoe trips in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and backpacking trips around the lower 48 as well as the Alaska Brooks Range.

Gear Tips for Alaska Treks

If you have done some backpacking in the past you might wonder if there is really any difference in the gear you need for an Alaska backpacking trip versus what you might need for a similar trip in the lower forty eight. The short answer is that mostly the same gear will work here. But there are a few things worth discussing because there are a few differences and besides who doesn’t love talking about gear!