We wrote the book!
Author of
Hiking Alaska's
Wrangell St
Elias Natlonal Park
Falcon Guides
Since 2003, Guided Hiking &Backpacking Adventures in Alaska's Best Wilderness Areas
McCarthy Alaska
Maps of the Park

Maps of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park is locate in the south east corner of Alaska just above the panhandle.The PDF map (see link below) shows a lot of detail of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park but it is a fairly large file and may take a while to download.The town of McCarthy lies in the heart of the park and is accessible by teh McCarthy road from Chitina Alaska.

Download PDF map (1 MB)

Another map available at Amazon is the National Geographic map of the entire park. This is a great map for studying the entire park and good to have on a trek to identify peaks that lay beyond the borders of you USGS quads.

A required map for travel in Alaska is the Alaska Gazetteer which is available at bookstores and many service stations. You could pick one up in Anchorage or order a copy online at Amazon.com.

The Seven Pass Route was a fantastic trip!
The Seven Pass Route was a fantastic trip! I particularly enjoyed the wide variety of landscapes, from glaciers to green valleys to rocky rough looking mountains surrounded by lakes. At times, the trip is challenging but it only adds to the feeling of reward you get once you reach your daily destination. Camping near a lake, taking superb pictures, having a great time at camp made this experience unforgettable for me.
Valerie D. - Washington, DC